👩🧑 59 #Young_people from Bulgaria
and Romania
participated in the international #study_visit implemented with great success by BlueGeneration Project in cooperation with the Marine Cluster Bulgaria in Varna, 20th - 24th March.

Participants had an in-depth learning experience and networking opportunity, tailor-made to their career interests:
- in #ship_building
and #maritime_transport,
they interacted with professionals and academics, attended presentations, and practiced on the latest technological equipment, i.e., drones and boat simulators.

- in #coastal tourism, they visited high-end facilities on the Black Sea, offering a variety of high-quality hospitality services, where they discovered new ways of seeing things and best practices that may be transferred to their local businesses.
the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy - Bulgarian Maritime University, the Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Center, the MTG Dolphin Shipyard, College of Tourism - Varna, Aquahouse Thermal & Beach, and Св. Св. Константин и Елена kindly welcomed the participants and toured them to their facilities sharing knowledge and offering hands-on experience.
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